012 Hacks to Create Confident Kids

motherhood podcast Jan 25, 2018

Each one of our kids has greatness inside of them and their own unique talents and abilities and callings. How can we as parents instill confidence in our kids?

If you have a small or big way in which you create confidence in your kids, I’d love to hear how you do that. DM me on Instagram and let me know. I will create a big montage of all of our $1k Moms and how we create confidence in our kids, big or small.


Take advantage of every little or big opportunity that you have to show your kids that they are PRETTY BIG DEALS. Help them step into that confidence.

It takes a lot more effort and time to build up confidence in our kids but it’s super easy to tear down their confidence. Be very aware of how our words, actions and environment is affecting their confidence.

Here’s a small hack that I do to create confidence in my 4 year old

We have an Amazon Echo a.k.a. Alexa. She probably does all kinds of wonderous things but just about all we use her for in our household is playing music from Spotify and setting timers because #parenting. Lizzie at this age is all about doing what mommy does and daddy does and she hears us frequently tell Alexa to play music. So I’ve been noticing lately how she will command Alexa to play a song, like the Trolls soundtrack or Juju on that beat. **sidenote, her sister’s name is Julianna aka JuJu so we like that song.

Alexa has a hard time following Lizzie’s commands so here was my opportunity to show up and make my daughter look like a hero and boost her confidence. She’ll learn in time how Alexa actually works and will be able to do it herself, but in the meantime, here’s how I boosted her confidence. From my spotify app on my phone I can select music and select where the music will play whether that’s on my phone, my iMac, my Macbook air or the Alexa Echo or my parents Alexa (that’s a whole other story…if someone knows how the heck to disconnect an Echo from a Spotify account, DM and let me know)

So as she calls out her favorite songs, I play them from my phone and send them to the Alexa.

You might be saying, this is petty and meaningless. But I really think that with our kids the little ways we can build confidence in them today will make all the difference. Confidence takes a long time to build up and a moment to tear down. Building up strong confidence in our kids is a lot of little moment by moment decisions.

So, I’m curious, $1k Moms, how are you building up confidence in your kids. It can be big or small. I’m curious. DM me on Instagram and let me know!

Take a screenshot of today’s show and tag me in your Instagram story. I know you know other momma’s who have a message to share, want to start a blog or find a way to make money from home. I’d be honored if you’d help me share this message that we can be both mothers and business owners and do both well!


Screenshot the show and tag me on IG Stories! I would love to hear about the AHA moments you’ve had!


Feel free to email me with any questions you might have about business, motherhood, and all the thigns!!! [email protected] 

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