3 Strategies to Build Your Business on Social Media

network marketing Dec 17, 2017

Have you ever wondered how others are having success using social media to grow their network marketing businesses?

We are all busy these days right?! Gosh yes! We all wear so many hats, have so many responsibilities, job titles and roles, right?! 

For me, the biggest role I play is being a mom and wife to my high school sweetheart and a mom to my two girls. Life is busy! Sound familiar???

So here’s the deal, I wanted AND NEEDED to be able to find a way to grow my home based business…AT HOME!

Let’s be real, with 2 little kids who have scheduled days, scheduled nap times (can I get an AMEN!?), lunch time, swim lessons, gymnastics, and more, there was just no way I was going to be able to get out and about every day to meet new prospects to grow my business. Nope, no chance.

Heck, getting through Costco with both kids without a meltdown was a WIN in my book! Tell me that you want me to throw in trying to prospect at the same time and I’d tell you that you’re crazy.

So fist bump to all you other home-based mompreneurs out there doing your thing! I see you rocking it and thankfully I’ve found surefire and proven ways to build my business utilizing the power of social media!

Now, I’m not just talking about prospecting via social media, but marketing as well.

‘Internet marketing’ means using online branding strategies, advertising, Facebook fan pages, video blogging, email blasts, etc. to grow your business.

Over the years, I had seen many people build successful network marketing businesses using the Internet, but since the majority of the industry still didn’t subscribe to these strategies, most leaders maintained the belief that it can’t be done and referred to it often as a “distraction.”

When done correctly, network marketing can and should be done using all available tools, especially the internet!

Pay special attention to the trends right now and what is happening in the social media and with commerce! We have an opportunity, don’t miss being able to attract high quality leads to your business!

I’m going to share with you the top 3 Internet strategies that are actually used to build network marketing businesses today!

Using social media to build your business is an approach which will seem pretty familiar, because it’s prospecting as we’ve always done it, just with an online twist.

Now prospecting on social media is NOT Internet marketing, however it still beats camping out at Target.

If you are out of warm contacts then this is exactly how leaders and top earners are continuing to sponsor great prospects even after their warm market is exhausted.


Use Facebook Search to find ‘friends of friends’ who live locally (at least to start with). Facebook allows you to directly message ‘friends of friends’ so that your message goes into their main inbox, instead of the “Other” inbox, which most people don’t even know exists. Secondly, you start with local, because it will allow you to eventually meet face to face if you desire to. Given that you have no prior relationship, it’s important to meet for coffee or lunch.


Next, you take a minute to look at their profile and identify key interests that might resonate with you personally, your business or your products. You are also looking for more subtle things, like are they smiling in their pictures? Are they outgoing? Do they seem to be a positive person?

Bear in mind, you are prospecting, but you are also qualifying them. For example, an interest in Robert Kiyosaki might indicate an interest in entrepreneurship or diversified income streams. An interest in CrossFit indicates an interest in health and wellness and that might resonate with your company’s products.


Then you craft your first message to them, which believe it or not, follows a somewhat standard prospecting approach. You can come up with a template, but each message will be and should be tailored to them specifically. This message will mention friends you have in common. You mention that you’re a recruiter for a “health & wellness company” or whatever the niche is, you’re “expanding in the area” and you ask if they are “open to earning extra money?”

You see who comments back and then go from there.  You are simply sifting for interest.

Whatever you do, please don’t be a SPAM BOT. Facebook will recognize this and the results you get from it will not be worth your effort! Remember, this is relationship marketing. Make your scripts individualized and personal and your results will be greater.


If they “swing back,” book a face to face meeting, if they are local.  At the very least get them on the phone or a Zoom call. You just let them know that details are better explained in person and, “it’s a great way for us to see if working together will be a good fit for the both of us”

At this point, if they meet with you, hopefully, your company or upline has defined a solid process for you to follow at this point in the process.

If they don’t answer back, there are some different approaches that you can take. You can choose to leave the 70-80% of people alone that don’t respond and just focus on the responders or you can take these steps below. Totally up to you and what you can handle in your business at this time.

  • Follow up with a 2nd message 3-5 days later if they don’t respond back to the first message. It is a short message simply to see if they received the first message and to see if they are interested. Bonus points if you do a voice message instead of text. Very frequently people mean to respond but get busy and tied up doing other things. Give them the benefit of the doubt and another opportunity to gain value from what you have to offer.
  • The second message above can typically double your results! Have your system in place to keep track and follow up with those you’ve reached out to once!
  • A 3rd follow-up message isn’t recommended. Assume “no” and focus your efforts on those that do respond and want what you have

But this is just the tip of the iceberg…

On top of this, there are some really powerful and highly leveraged online prospecting & recruiting strategies I’ve utilized that you can check out here in my FREE SOCIAL MEDIA RECRUITING FRENZY GUIDE
This process is a pretty simple way to build your business, and depending on your personality, it may or may not be a great fit for you. This pretty much involves posting your results on social media (i.e. setting the ‘mouse trap’) and waiting for people to express an interest via the comments or private message. (i.e SNAP!!!)

Additionally, to boost results, you can add a CALL TO ACTION to the message if they want more info.

From a ‘leading with the opportunity’ angle, this would involve posting pictures and announcements about your ‘rags to riches’ story, income results, and the impact it’s made on your lifestyle. Show the freedom that your business has allowed you to obtain.

I’ve seen people whom I know personally deploy this strategy with great success, but I’m a person that is very wary of this approach and I could see you running into compliance or even legal problems, if lots of people in your company are doing this. I personally don’t like this angle because it can piss off your real life friends & family, but I know it can work well too, because let’s face it, most people have a desire for more income.

Alternatively, with a “leading with the product” angle, the mouse trap approach could be very powerful and usually more friend & company safe, especially if the results you are posting has to do with a personal or customer case study. This angle will help you build your business, generate more customers and a few of those customers may express an interest in the business, after they fall in love with the product.

We’ve seen this angle run rampant with weight loss challenges & case studies, which still work amazingly well, but can also work with other products, if there is a clear and visible result that was produced from product use. For example, I’ve seen people in travel businesses, post pictures of their luxury vacations and trips and reveal how little they paid for that experience. This is huge!

Or you can post pictures of yourself running a marathon, triathlon, or whatever, which would not have been possible without certain supplements. The key is to think about your business and align your posts to match them and peak curiosity and interest!

Essentially, show everyone connected to you on social media a desirable change in your life, achieved in part or as a direct result of your product. Once they express an interest, you follow whatever process you’ve been taught for closing the sale.

But if “closing” the sale is not your thing, then there’s my favorite Internet strategy, which I’ve employed in my business and so many have been using as well…

I think we will all look back at the year 2015 as the tipping point for when Internet marketing (i.e. passive online selling & recruiting) was finally legitimized as the force it deserves to be recognized as, in network marketing.

For those of you not familiar with this term, let me take a second to explain. Attraction Marketing is just that, people who come to you instead of vice versa. It means basically people hunt and track you down wanting to know more about what you’re offering rather than you hunting people to build your business. Sound good? It allows you to spend your time focusing on the 20% that want what you have and not spending your time chasing around the frustrating 80% who could care less.

If you are serious about scaling your network marketing business and finding quality leads worth focusing on, then you need to check out our FREE 10-DAY ONLINE RECRUITING BOOTCAMP! 

The leaders in the network marketing industry who have recognized the huge potential to going online to recruit aren’t filling their news feeds with product selfies, they aren’t setting a mousetrap and they aren’t sending strangers online template messages like in strategy #1.

Instead they have created a truly passive way of making sure each morning when they wake up that they have an inbox full of hot leads ready to be followed up on and talked to. Imagine that, people actually wanting to connect with you about your business opportunity or product!

I’m not saying you abandon the other methods of recruiting. I’m not saying you stop meeting people in person. I’m saying that you add this incredibly lucrative and scalable online marketing tool to your arsenal and watch your business grow!

There is a proven way to build online and you can learn more about it HERE VIA MY BOOTCAMP.

Just like anything else in business, this will take work and study.

But ultimately, enhancing your skill set by moving you into the 21st century. Are you ready for this journey?

I am looking forward to working with you!

Links to Connect

Are you looking to attract more leads into your business? Click here to start your 10 day online recruiting bootcamp!

Katie Fleming

Much Love,

Katie Fleming





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