050 Top 10 Productivity Tips for Mompreneurs with Katie Fleming

motherhood podcast Sep 17, 2018

Productivity as a mompreneur is possible. Here are our top 10 tips for your most productive day and week as a mompreneur juggling a household, kids, husband and a thriving business.


1. Implement your evening routine - prepare the night before

What can you do the night before to prepare yourself, your household and your business for a productive week? A strong evening routine can look like a lot of different things for you, but aim to let it be something that makes your morning easier, fills your self care cup up and also define your top 3 things you want to accomplish tomorrow. (more about that in #5)

2. Implement your morning routine

Do whatever you can to ensure that you are up before the kids whether it is 30 minutes, an hour or a few hours. Any length of time will work in order for you to get your mind right, fill your cup first and prepare to take care of tiny humans and build your business during the day.

Lately, my morning routine is a good hour. I spend time reading the Bible, praying, journaling, reading another book I’m reading and just allowing myself the space to be creative and hear from God. For someone like me always trying to cross things off my to-do list, letting myself sit in this hour, sometimes longer morning routine was originally hard. But now, I’ve come to love it.

How can you plan to start your day before your kiddos?

3. Ignore your phone

Let’s play a game. See how long you can go without checking your phone! Avoid opening it at all costs and just monitor the notifications if you expect something important to come through like your kids preschool teacher telling you last minute they need to wear their school shirts today #truestory

4. Don't dive into email

Email is another one of those time sucks and agenda diverters. If you dive into email too soon and without purpose, your day may not be the same in terms of productivity. If you’re working from your inbox to get tasks done, this is not good and you need an email system ASAP-aroonies. Ignore your inbox for as long as you can. Set aside a designated time to go in there and tackle it or outsource it to your VA.

5. Top 3

Remember those top 3 things you defined in your evening routine? Now it’s time to do them. Prioritize them in your day and aim to accomplish them. They are tasks that are tied directly to your income goals in your business, so you should prioritize them. Go get em!

6. Load of laundry

The jury was out on this question I asked all my friends on Instagram and Facebook. Half said they binge their laundry for the week and half said they squirrel launder where they do a load here and a load there and never slave away endlessly at the washing machine.

If you find yourself on the binge side of this question, can I challenge you to try the squirrel life for just a week. Throw a load of laundry in when you wake up, switch it over to the dryer and fold and put it away. See if this doesn’t change your life.

Full disclosure, most days I suck at actually putting it away the same day. Turns out I am a binge folder and putter awayer. Hm. I’ll work on that.

7. Set expectations - be prepared to have to put on the mom hat immediately

Mom life can be so unexpected and we must be flexible to not lose our minds. Am I right? Set your expectations and be prepared for things to not go the way you plan. Thankfully you’ve built a business that gives you the ability and flexibility to put your family first.

8. Segment your work

Your day has certain chunks in it. Morning, breakfast, school time, naps, early evening, dinner, late evening, etc. Certain tasks can fit into different chunks of times better than others. For instance, you will never find me doing a coaching call while trying to get dinner on the table. Ok ok that was an obvious one. But coaching calls tend to go in the chunk of time where my kids are at school because there is an extremely low chance kids will interrupt me, because they are at school. Make sense?

9. Brain Dump List Not To Do List

Do you let every thought, task, idea or request deter you from what you already planned on accomplishing this week? If so, you need to implement a brain dump and get away from your to-do list. More on this soon on the Ambitious Motherhood podcast and how I specifically do this after a few months of tweaking, testing and testing some more. But if you want some inspiration, listen to episode 25 of the podcast. The basic gist is, once a week I take everything on that brain dump, add anything else in my brain and assimilate it into my weekly to do list. Nothing gets added to my to do list during the week unless it’s absolutely necessary (use your discernment here).

10. Quality play time over quantity

When you’re with your kids, spend quality time with them. Sometimes a good 30 minutes to an hour of Lego, Barbie, blocks and coloring time can go a long way in filling up your kids love tanks.

I hope this list has given you some ideas on how you can be more productive this week as a mompreneur running a business, raising a family and doing both well! You’re amazing, know that! Give yourself grace and go kick some butt this week!

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Katie Fleming

Much Love,

Katie Fleming


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