049 Supporting Other Women with Katie Fleming

podcast Sep 13, 2018

Supporting and encouraging other women in your life is something small you can do today to make a big impact in our world. On the Ambitious Motherhood Podcast, this is a call to Stop.Drop.Encourage. How can you uplift? How can you see the good? How can you promote others and help them go further down the path? As women, we have to rally behind each other as we all pursue our ambitions.



If you hop on Facebook or Instagram or even at the bar having drinks for a girls night, it won't be long before you hear someone tear down another woman.

"Can you believe she's doing that"

"Who does she think she is?"

"Where did she even come from to gain this following in the first place"

Every mean comment imaginable comes out of the mouths of other women about other women. And I'm over it. 

In today's podcast episode, give it a listen by the way because I say more than I'm saying in this blog post, I am calling out the bull crap and demanding that we all uplift and encourage. 

No more writing blog posts about why you're boycotting this chicks cause, movement, book, thing. No more. 

How about instead of finding and nitpicking all of the reasons why it's not good, we spend that time and energy seeking out the good and cheering her on to bigger and better things. 

I think often times our bad mouthing (I say 'our' because I'm right there with you girl, calling myself out) stems from two things. 

1. Jealously & fear that we won't make it

2. Thinking the words we speak don't matter

We tear down because we are jealous and fearful that we will never amount to what they have amounted to. We project our own feelings of self-doubt on these chicks on the internet who don't know us. I could never make it so who are they to make it. See? Projecting crap is a real thing and can be quite the problem if we aren't aware of it. 

Secondly, we think the words we speak on a Facebook post or in a private Facebook group doesn't matter. You might think, eh who cares, she won't know I said this and it won't be a big deal. But here's the thing, your words, no matter how influential you may or may not be...they matter.

Your words matter. 

So make them count.

Use your words to encourage and uplift. To find good. 

So here's the deal, we have all struggled with this. I am quite confident of that. But right now in this moment let's make some conscious effort to begin encouraging, little by little. 

Here's your action items for today.

1. Go listen to the full podcast here. It's also on all the other podcast apps. 

2. Post a pic to your Instagram Stories or social media of choice and tag your favorite inspirations. Tag me too so that we can repost your encouragement on our pages. It's time to turn this all around and it starts with you and me.

See you on Instagram!

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Katie Fleming

Much Love,

Katie Fleming

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